Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dave's Question

In The Revolution Goes Worldwide with Rita Oates, did you feel that too much time was spent on the details of the program?


  1. It was certainly unfortunate that Rita had mic problems, which made that segment seem even longer. While about half of the time would have been appropriate, I hope that the important points that she brought aren't lost due to technical problems and length of segment.

  2. I have heard Rita Oates speak before about the power of providing global collaboration opportunities for our students. Did she share a couple of examples of classrooms who are collaborating not only from different states, but different countries. I find those stories fascinating and powerful for children!

  3. I think ePals offers so many options that it's hard to compact it into a single session. I felt a little overwhelmed myself, looking at all of the people out there and all of the projects available.

    I think coming up with a single idea you would like to implement may narrow your focus so that you get enough time to experiment with ePals.


  4. And just to add on.... remember that this course is a bit of an overview of what is going on out there to "revolutionize" the way our students are learning. You may not want to start with a large, global project (I surely did not start out with that!), but I think it can be helpful to know that this type of thing is going on out there.
