Friday, June 12, 2009

Revolutionary Ideas

This morning you were given some time to think about how you would like to use some of the ideas from this workshop to revolutionize a lesson for next year. In a few sentences, please share a synopsis of a possible lesson and tool you will use to revolutionize that lesson.

**Please comment on this post rather than create a new post.


  1. I currently have no big idea for my ESE students' writing, other than developing the basic skills. Partnering with a gen.ed. teacher, I plan to explore epals, starting with email within the school, and moving to collaboration with another school.
    My students struggle greatly with writing, for many reasons. I'm hoping to sneak in the phonics, grammar, mechanics, etiquette, etc., hooking them with this.

  2. I would like to create a Blog for one of the Sunshine State Books with 3rd - 5th grade students. I plan on working with the Media Specialist to accomplish this. Also - I have created a PLC Blog for Eastbrook - I hope it is used and Eastbrook is able to communicate best practice through this tool.

  3. I have begun to create a blog for the chapter book Letter's From Rifka. Within the blog, the students will respond to various think questions throughout the story which will relate to the story elements used for comprehension. Eventually, I would love to collaborate and blog with classrooms from other countries reading the same book!

  4. I have a blog set up for the first story we will read this year. I will set it up with questions so I can see student misconceptions and learning.
    I can,t wait to do Quest Atlantis this year.

  5. I appretiate all of the knowledge that was shared with me. I'm very excited about the Wordle. This will be very helpful for team building as well as merging it into prior knowledge before a skill/concept is taught. I will try the blogging aspect this year. Thanks for everything.

  6. I am really looking forward to using a blog with my students - as soon as I figure everything out! I think that this is something that my students would really get into, especially my reluctant learners. There were so many great ideas and tools presented in this class. I am going to stick with one idea at a time, just to make it easier on myself, but I look forward to trying out some of the other things as time progresses.

  7. With all the changes in standards we are experiencing this year, there should be many opportunities to use these tools. The easiest way I can see would be to use to brainstorm/organize ideas for a project. I could also use world to create posters in Language Arts of different synonyms and antonyms for words.

  8. I am going to try to do a project entitled "Middle School Awaits: Explore Your Options". I will use Skype and a snowball mic and students at the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington, D.C. I want these talented students at the high school level to share their stories with my 5th grade students who are about to make decisions on their middle school curriculum. I am hoping that listening to the high school students will encourage the elementary students to continue their arts education.

  9. I teach fourth grade and writing is a huge component to our curriculum. One idea we could use on day one is some of the tools to brainstorm ideas and word choice. Tools like and can help us organize and create different displays for our ideas. Also, some of the other collaborative tools can bring in social studies, science, reading, etc. Using EPals, Skipe, or even creating blogs can help bring in specialist, guests, other students, etc. to broaden the students' cultural and social divide.

  10. I am very excited to have a "Book Club" tab on my classroom website. I've started blogs for some of the Sunshine State books. I plan to start this summer by emailing former students and asking them to blog as they read these new books. I've also connected with another 5th grade class in the county who has set up SS blogs as well.

    Next year I will look into epals, but it was too much to think about this week. I also need to explore the new social studies standards and think of ways we could use epals from other countries.

  11. The word "Collaboration" got new meaning for me. I appreciate your passion (all presentors)and know that I will use small steps in introducing what I learned these two days. I'm signed up to use Blogger and Wiki with my team-member, Jeanette. I'm excited and thank you for a great course.

  12. Our group consisted of media specialist, tech facilitator, and computer lab teacher. As part of the wheel we are going to assist 3rd grade with their new Sunshine State Standards for Social Studies. We are going to take the four new countries and meet those standards! I will be utilizing the Diigo research tool as it makes research a breeze for a media specialist!

  13. In my role as media/tech, all of the information presented will be invaluable in supporting the teachers. I can use the tools both blogging and wiki tools for supporting the Sunshine State Books and other series as requested by teachers. In my role as tech leader, I can help teachers work on units of study by introducing them to epals. I will hvae a greater understanding of ways to help teachers to connect globally and help with flattening the classroom walls. The bubbl page will be invaluable as teachers get on board with producing meaningful diagrams of concepts. I also like the idea of a place for students to have email and I can see that Quest Atlantis is a great way for elementary students to collaborate socially while learning intellectually.

    These tools can be used to support many areas of the curriculum standards--many standards can be combined in to one project.

  14. I am really excited for this coming year at Evans. Because of Sean's expertise, it will be transformational for all of our students. We plan to do a lot of team teaching with Sean - and across the Specials team. My hope is to introduce one new form of collaboration tool K-5 in the Computer Lab...Ideas? Grade 5 - Quest Atlantis, Grade 4 - ePals, Grade 3 - Diigo, Grade 2 - Voice Thread, Grade 1 - Blogs, Kindergarten - Wikis???? Just beginning to brainstorm!

  15. Deborah Stowell and I are collaborating on developing an architectural project. Deborah's architectural students will build the exterior and my students will construct the interior of the structure.The goal is the structure must maitain the historical look of the building while conforming to an Green Environment.We will be using a wiki for our students to collaborate.

  16. My Architecture II students wrote a book last year about different periods of Architectural history with "to do" activities. I would really love to repeat this project using diigo for collaborative research and voicethread for the end product.

    In Architecture I one of our last lessons of the semester is to do student evaluations of end products. We have been fortunate at times to have the expertise of a prominent, local architect added to this evaluation process. Skype would be a wonderful tool for my class to use to collaborate with this architect, not only for this lesson, but throughout the entire course (we might get to utilize this talent more when the driving time has been eliminated!)Wimba would be a great tool so that our favorite architect might do a few guest lessons.

    I intend to survey all my parents next year for their talents and enlist them to guest teach also.

    In Engineering II my students complete a toy design project. I would love to set up a Wimba with adult toy design engineers to collaborate with my young engineers to help them understand the design process better, to help them troubleshoot problems more effectively, and to produce better products.

  17. I would like to use VoiceThread for my final project.
    I would like to use Epals to correspond to someone across the water and showed how to install Skype.
    I would like to use Bubbl to use my creativity to plan and save my work for use at a later time.

    Synopsis of a lesson plan I have done in Bubbl during this course:
    Cinco de Mayo and why the holiday is important to us Americans.
    France under Napolean tried to conquer Mexico in 1862. The Mexicans beat the French and drove the French back to their homeland.
    In 1862 we were engaged in a Civil War.
    What would have happened if the France had won and supported the south? Chances are they would have made a deal to supply the south and the south would have won.

    Thanks for a great class and see you in Digital StoryTelling.

  18. I have set op mysummer school students on e-pals and I have found a school in Paris, France that is willing to communicate with my students. Today, we began writing our first letters and we looked at pictures of Paris. I am looking forward to this project because it will help my students communicate with other students. They were so excited today when i showed them the e-mail from the French teacher. I do not believe the entire idea has sunk into them yet. I cannot wait for the letters from the French students to arrive.
    For next year I want to do a blog with my comprehension remediation students so they discuss the books among themselves. I hope it will motivate them and help them express themselves
